2023 Melges 24 North American Championship
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Current Members List


The following types of membership are available:

  • Full Members shall be boat owners – individuals, companies or associations – who have paid the full CM24CA dues – $200.00
  • Pro Members are sailors paid to race in the class who are not boat owners – $100.00
  • Associate Members are those who have an interest in the class be it as a crew or supporter and want to receive CM24CA notifications. They can register but do not have a vote, nor are they eligible to hold office – Free

Pursuant to the IM24CA Rules, points for Ranking Events shall be awarded to the helmsperson of the boat, who must be a member of the Class. Only Full Members are entitled to hold an elected position within the CM24CA and vote.

The fees are due on January 1 and the membership is valid from January 1 till December 31. CM24CA currently accepts PayPalInterac e-Transfer and bank drafts. Please fill out the form below and send the payment to [email protected].

Your Full or Pro membership is not valid until paid. Our preferable payment method is Interac e-transfer. Please use your banking institution e-transfer page and send a payment to [email protected].

Alternatively, you can use PayPal:

Select membership type and click Pay Now button below: