A New Canadian Nationals Winner is Crowned after a one race regatta.
The 2023 Canadian National Championship was held this past Canada Day/Independence Day weekend (July 1-2) at the Sarnia Yacht Club with 5 Canadian boats on the starting line.
Due to a lack of wind, the whole regatta consisted of a single race. Saturday saw winds ranging from 1 to 4 knots, with wind velocity and directions swinging from one side of the course to the other. When the lone race started, Spitfire was actually late to the start and took the right side of the course while the rest of the fleet went left. The right side paid off, with Spitfire finding a great patch of stronger wind and making it first to the mark. They managed to keep the lead until the finish, despite Surprise pressing hard from behind. The Sunday saw virtually no wind and the regatta was called early and winners announced.
1 Spitfire CAN 99 John Marentette
2 Surprise CAN 629 Dan Berezen
3 Huzzah CAN 491 Greg Chamberlain
4 Rush CAN 031 Mike Gozzard
5 Phoenix Can 17 Jon Farrar
Photos – Courtesy of Derek Jackson
We would like to thank the organizers, hosts, racers, and volunteers that made the regatta possible.

Upcoming Events:
The next event being held is 2023 Guardians of the Great Lakes Melges 24 Regatta (formerly to Grand Traverse Invitational) August 26-27 at the Grand Traverse Yacht Club in Grand Traverse, Michigan.
The 2023 Melges 24 North American Championship is being held September 14-17 at the National Yacht Club in Toronto, Canada.